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SCORM package

Module 4: Professional Development

Completion requirements

With the often-rapid changes that can occur in the real estate sector, continuing your professional development is an essential part of a real estate agent’s career, skills and knowledge.

Continuing professional development (CPD) is a requirement of some state and territory’s licensing and is also a way in which the public can be assured an agent has current knowledge, professionalism and skills.

By the end of this module you will be able to identify:

➤ what professional development is
➤ licensing versus membership requirements
➤ professional development requirements in your state or territory
➤ tips for planning your professional development
➤ how to audit your skills to help you plan your development
➤ strategies to help you plan your development
➤ topics you may be interested in for your development
➤ how to keep accurate records of your development

Number of attempts allowed: Unlimited
Number of attempts you have made: 0
Grading method: Highest attempt
Grade reported: None